
Introducing Tom Swalm – CAPE Bionics Director of Business Development

Tom Swalm scaled

Introducing Tom Swalm - Director of Business Development

Tell us about yourself and your background in the sports / medical field.
I have been a lifelong athlete and studied Exercise science and Health Promotion in college. I started a company in 2000 running a First Aid and CPR training agency and continued this company until 2012 when I took a full time position in medical sales. I have worked in a variety of roles in medical sales including service sales, distribution, and capital equipment sales working for a manufacturer. Sports and fitness continued to be a passion and I have continued to stay active spending the majority of my free time either in the gym or volunteer coaching youth sports for my two boys.

What are your sporting interests?
I am extremely competitive and truly enjoy anything sport related from basketball, golf, body building to kayak fishing. I really just love competing and watching others compete at the highest level. I am also constantly fascinated by all of the advancements in sports medicine as I have had more than my fair share of sports related injuries.

What are your thoughts on compression garments for athletes?
I think compression is an excellent tool to improve recovery and performance. I have used compression products in the past and have really come to understand that custom fit is most effective application.

Why do you think CAPE is better?
Our product was designed to address the short comings of other compression products. Really allowing the individual to dial in the product to their specific needs. Once we have the custom measurements we can then apply the appropriate compression regime to achieve the desired outcome.

What are you most looking forward to in your new role with CAPE?
I believe in offering real value to your customers. The data is clear that custom compression is far superior to off the shelf garments. Being able to offer these solutions to our customers will have a significant impact on overall performance. I look forward to helping our customers achieve continued success and reduce the risk of injury.

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