Introducing CAPE: Proven by astronauts, now available to elite athletes

Introducing CAPE: Proven by astronauts, now available to elite athletes

CAPE produces a special sleeve, individually-sized from 3D athlete scans, to impose a unique and optimum pressure for either performance, recovery, or travel benefit.

Proprietary compression regimes and wearing protocols have been developed in conjunction with leading sports scientists, and the compression accuracy and physiological benefit proven through independent testing. CAPE is accredited as a Class I Medical Device and is contracted alongside off-the-shelf compression sports apparel.

There are three types of compression regime that CAPE engineers for elite sport:


Heart rate is normal, movement is limited. Low to moderate graduated compression is comfortable, invokes vasodilation, reduces swelling/oedema. For longer flights (>4 hrs), or clinical applications, higher compression is recommended to reduce DVT risk.


Heart rate is high and muscle pumps are activated, but aerobic demand is also highest. Medium compression is optimum. Lower peak muscle oscillations reduce the likelihood of DOMS (and possibly injury).


Heart rate is normal, and body is in a semi-relaxed state. A higher level of compression is necessary to maximise blood flow and the removal of waste by-products from recent exercise.

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