
Custom Fit – The New World of Compression Part 3 – Professional Compression for Professional Athletes

In our previous blogs we’ve introduced a new world of custom fit compression, highlighting differences between custom fit and standard sized compression garments in terms of the level of compression applied (Hill et al., 2015), and the proven recovery benefits of custom fit compared to off the shelf compression garments or no compression (Brown et al., 2022). 


So why should professional athletes choose custom fit compression? 

Professional athletes deserve professional compression, that is compression that actually works!  

Professional athletes are required to perform at their best, hence the need to get the most out of their compression garments. Standard sized (off the shelf) compression garments are proven to produce variable amounts of compression (Hill et al., 2015).  By using standard sized garments, the majority of athletes will not receive the correct amount of compression for any benefit (Hill et al., 2015).  

Custom fit provides the highest level of precision, no two garments are exactly the same. Even for the same athlete, the left and right side are sized differently! This ensures optimal compression regimes are achieved despite differences in limb size.  

By choosing custom fit, athletes can be confident that their compression garments are specifically tailored to their individual measurements and provide more consistent compression for optimal performance and recovery benefits (Brown et al., 2022b).  


Custom fit for performance 

Professional athletes require the best equipment available for their sport and compression garments are no exception to this. Many athletes in sports leagues such as the NBA, and NFL wear compression garments during games. By choosing custom fit compression, athletes can be sure that their compression garments fit correctly and apply the correct compression regime to optimise performance.  


Custom fit for recovery 

Compression garments can optimise recovery when the correct amount of compression is applied. Research has shown that wearing custom fit compression garments in the recovery period resulted in faster recovery from exercise induced muscle damage than off the shelf garments (Brown et al., 2022a). In fact, it was shown that the standard sized compression garments were no more effective than a sham treatment on recovery from muscle damage! (Brown et al., 2022a).  

Improving the rate of recovery is particularly important where athletes have a short turnaround between games such as in the NBA, AFL or between competitive rounds of a tournament where athletes are often required to play the following day. By choosing custom fit compression, elite athletes can maximise the recovery benefits from wearing compression garments.  


Custom fit for travel 

Wearing compression garments during travel can reduce the risk of DVT. Furthermore, it has been shown that wearing compression garments can minimise physiological stress associated with long haul air travel in elite athletes (Broatch et al., 2019). By choosing custom fit, athletes can be sure that their garments fit correctly and have the correct compression regime to maintain comfort, reduce swelling / oedema and reduce the risks of DVT associated with travel.  


Custom fit for Rehabilitation 

Custom fit medical grade compression can assist with injury rehabilitation by reducing swelling, providing strong support and increasing stability. Different types of garments can be tailor made according to the athlete injury such as knee and elbow sleeves for joint rehabilitation, as well as full leg / arm sleeves for muscle sprains and strains. CAPE custom fit ensures that the garments fit correctly at the time of injury and provide the athlete with medical grade compression to facilitate the rehabilitation process. 


At the highest level of athletic performance, nothing should be left to chance. Off the shelf garments are a lottery, with variable pressure and inconsistent benefits. CAPE custom fit compression garments provide genuine and consistent benefits for optimal recovery, performance, travel benefits and rehabilitation offering a new world of professional compression for professional athletes.  


To read more about why elite athletes need custom fit compression click here to read our white paper. 




  1. Brown, F, Jeffries, O, Gissane, C, Howatson, G, van Someren, K, Pedlar, C, Myers, T, and Hill, JA. (2022a): Custom-fitted compression garments enhance recovery from muscle damage in rugby players. J Strength Cond Res. 36(1): 212-219 
  1. Brown, F,  Hill, JA., Pedler, CR. (2022b). Compression Garments for Recovery from Muscle Damage: Evidence and Implications of Dose Responses. Current Sports Medicine Reports (21 (2); 45-52. 
  1. Hill, J., Howatson, G., Someren, K., Davidson, S., & Pedlar, C. (2015). The variation in pressures exerted by commercially available compression garments. Sports Engineering (Springer Science & Business Media B.V.), 18, 115-121. 


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